Post Overdose Response Team (PORT)

The Post Overdose Response Team (PORT) is a strategic response program that connects a participant who has experienced a non-lethal overdose with a certified recovery peer specialist to provide immediate recovery support services and advocacy.  This program creates opportunities for these participants to connect with someone who has lived experience, who can offer empathy and insight, and who can support their next steps with compassion.  

The responding PORT peer uses a trauma-informed, harm-reduction approach to establish a connection with the participant by using their own experience with substance use or overdose.  These visits frequently include providing services to individuals who may not be ready or willing to stop using. With most referrals coming from hospital emergency rooms and from 2-1-1, peer visits are within 24-72 hours depending on the participant’s condition.  The goal of the peer is to meet these participants where they are at, helps them determine for themselves what their next steps look like, and provide the support necessary for them to get there.  

As a recovery community organization that recognizes the prevalence of opioid overdoses, along with other existing high-risk using practices within the community, these visits are aimed to educate the participant (and their supporters) on overdose prevention and safer practices.  Peers regularly distribute Naloxone to those who are at risk and train them on how it should be administered. They discuss other important safe practices, distribute hygiene kits, and provide syringe exchange information. PORT peers build connections with participants who have experienced a non-lethal overdose so they can more effectively help the participant understand their available options, provide additional information on existing resources, support participant choices, and advocate on behalf of the participant.  

This strategic response program is about providing information on overdose prevention and access to services.  More importantly, this program is about establishing connections with participants who are actively using or seeking recovery.  PORT peers treat those they serve with dignity and respect and share their hope because every life matters. 

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